It is indeed amazing that an ardent supporter of the arts could be so disdainful of such fine performance art as provided by ROTB2 with no wasteful consumption of her resources.
With its eye-popping magazines and sex toys, the stop at the State Street Arcade entranced many long enough to require multiple blastings of the Hash Horn and cries of “On-On” to finally rouse them from their fantasies and get them back on the trail. One must toss a coin to determine if the fact that these folks get out so little or that they are so easily entertained is the more incredible and worthy of award. David Medaris of Isthmus had repeatedly posed what seemed like the silly question, “What if a real wedding breaks out?” (Oh c'mon, David. Fer pity's sake! Be a real reporter.) Then as ROTB2 approached the north steps of the Capitol, a genuine wedding party was descending with photo session in progress. They looked a bit chagrined and even frightened as they were engulfed by ROTB2 with its battalions of faux brides, resident advertising “divorce attorney”, and the wafting aromas of sweat and beer. But they soon got into the spirit of the Hash as they realized that they would have photos in their wedding album unlike any others. And again, it's a horse race between David Medaris as prophet and the real wedding event itself in a contest for ROTB2's Most Amazing. Can the amount of alcohol consumed at the beer check at the Plaza Tavern, champagne check at Reynolds Park, and the on-in at Heidi Ho's be a contender? Probably not—it is the Hash, after all. But it should be noted that the following Monday when the recycling truck came by the scene of the on-in, their workers went on overtime as they collected seemingly endless cases of beer and champagne bottles. Perhaps the most amazing factor of ROTB2 is that participants actually had the patience |
Madison Hash House Harriers
Running of the Brides II
By Heidi Ho There should be a prize for The Most Amazing Aspect of the Madison Hash House Harriers' June 3, 2006 Second Annual Running of the Brides (ROTB2)—but it's not easy to award with so many candidates from which to pick. First there was the media frenzy at the Christ Presbyterian Church greeting arriving participants with cameras rolling from three local television stations, print representation from Isthmus , and even interns from 105.5 Triple M there to capture the launch. With wedding-related apparel ranging from blushing brides to monsignor to divorce attorney, the participants themselves were as incredible and unique as snowflakes. And could the looks of awe and amazement from bystanders and spectators be considered prize-worthy? Then there was the look on Pleasant Rowland's face, that was anything but representative of her name, as she viewed the ROTB2 wedding party ascending the multiple landings of the signature glassed-in staircase and moving to the terrace of the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art (MMOCA) to which she has made significant endowments. |
to wait 14 months to do it again after the premier event (April 9, 2005 to June 3, 2006 ), in which bottom feeding thrift store acquisitions of wedding regalia resulted in international news and incredible fun. It won't be quite as much of a wait for the next one—look forward to ROTB3 on May 5, 2007 when Running of the Brides meets Cinco de Mayo. Start preparing for the Triple M: Mexican wedding theme, Mariachi bands, and Margaritas. It's gonna be amazing! |